English UK Market Insights Webinar: QUIC Q4 2022

During her presentation, Ivana Slobodnikova, International Education Director at BONARD, shared insights and key findings about the Q4 2022 ELT market data with English UK members from the Quarterly Intelligence Cohort.

February 21, 2023 at 03:00 PM UK time

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Ivana Slobodnikova, our International Education Director, spoke at an English UK Market Insights Webinar.

The event was organized by English UK, and Ivana presented key findings and insights related to the ELT industry to English UK members from the Quarterly Intelligence Cohort. Participants benefited from QUIC's exclusive Q4 2022 market data and in-depth analysis of the findings, which presented a true picture of what was happening in the UK ELT sector.

Key outcomes

  • The UK ELT sector experienced a significant increase in student weeks in Q4 2022, up by 152% compared to 2021, reaching almost 56% of pre-pandemic levels.

  • The junior segment saw a remarkable 346% increase compared to the same period last year, with adult students comprising 95% of all student weeks.

  • General English courses were the most popular format, accounting for 86% of junior bookings and 88% of adult bookings in the quarter.

  • The top source markets were Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Brazil, Japan, and Turkey.

  • Direct bookings accounted for a fourth of the student weeks, highlighting the significance of direct marketing efforts by ELT providers.

  • While challenges remain, such as accommodation, staffing, and the cost of living crisis, the industry is showing signs of returning to its pre-pandemic state.

Read the executive summary here

Event speaker

Ivana Slobodnikova

International Education Director



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