Industry Update | Summer 2023

The Summer 2023 edition of our monthly digest presents major industry developments and insights from our recent research and field activities.

Summer, 2023 BONARD

BONARD-IE-newsletter_summer23 (LI)

Dear Partner, We hope this month's digest finds you well and thriving in your efforts to shape the future of international education. This update provides an overview of notable industry developments and insights gathered from our research and in-market activities during summer 2023. Key highlights encompass the highly anticipated release of English language program statistics in the US, emerging trends within China's education market, and our observations from trade missions conducted between 2022 and 2023. We trust you will find this information both informative and impactful

Patrik Pavlacic

Chief Intelligence Officer


Izrael BC BONARD_logo (II)Advancing English Language Teaching in Israel with the British Council

In August, our team — Patrik Pavlacic, Ivana Bartosik (Slobodnikova), and Sarah Verkinova — attended a British Embassy event in Israel, collaborating with the British Council to explore English language learning and teaching. Engaging with 40 stakeholders including policymakers, practitioners, and leaders, they gathered inputs to guide British Council initiatives.

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BONARD ENGLISH USADebuting Insights on US English Language Programs

Explore previously unavailable market statistics from within US English language programs (ELP). BONARD and EnglishUSA have just released a pioneering report providing details that will enhance student recruitment in the US.

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ENGLISH UK Marketing ConferenceThe UK's ELT Landscape in 2024: What to expect?

Catch Ivana Bartosik (Slobodnikova) on stage at the English UK Marketing Conference, where she will reveal the UK's ELT global standing and offer insights into 2024 marketing and student recruitment trends within the ELT sector.

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Snímek obrazovky 2024-05-20 v 16.11.49Chinese agents 'more active than ever'

Read our latest blog, which delves into the trends of China's education market. The blog reveals why Chinese agencies are reporting a rise in student applications for study in the United States and Australia and presents a selection of wide-ranging views on the evolving landscape.

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ChinaAiAI skill gap in China: Opportunities for overseas educators

Despite the high demand for AI talent in China's tech industry, graduates with AI degrees are facing job struggles due to a skill job mismatch. This gap opens opportunities for overseas educators. Read more from Igor Skibickij, BONARD's COO, below

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AustraliaChinaChina reintroduces Australia to the ADS scheme

China's recent decision to reintroduce Australia to the ADS scheme reinforces its position as Australia's prime inbound-traveler market since 2019. This strategic move is expected to boost the tourism sector's recovery significantly

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Snímek obrazovky 2024-05-20 v 16.17.39Connecting opportunities worldwide: Unveiling the success of our 22/23 trade missions

In the midst of challenges, we embraced innovation and adaptability and carried out our Trade Missions both online and offline. Our commitment to our partners' success remained unwavering, and we are proud to have offered the best of both worlds.

From Europe to Asia and LATAM, we've bridged the gap between educational institutions and recruitment partners, bringing the dream of studying abroad one step closer to reality for students.

Read our new blog post detailing the incredible journey of our Trade Missions in the academic year 2022/2023.

Thank you to all those of our partners who joined us on this journey!

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Snímek obrazovky 2024-05-20 v 16.20.56Getting to know BONARD's IE team

Join us on a journey with our Friday Team Spotlight series. Each Friday, we introduce a member of the BONARD Education team, the people who drive our organization's success. Uncover their stories that shape our achievements.

News you should not miss

Industry highlights provided by the BONARD Market Monitor

Australia: The data that signals ‘students’ are coming for work, not universities

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China: China sector should 'maintain confidence' amid a rocky economy

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UK: International students enrolled to study in the UK by country in 2022

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Global: What does the rise of the new right mean for Nordic universities?

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