2022 China Market Trends: Incl. Policy Impact and Interpretation

Watch the recording and learn from our long-term China market experts, who presented the latest market data and insights, with practical in-field recommendations and tips on the current student recruitment in China.

February 22, 2022
2:00 PM PST
5:00 PM EST
February 23, 2022
6:00 AM CST
9:00 AM AEDT

Request presentation

Considering recent regulatory changes and the constant rise of new hurdles, it is certain that understanding China within its current domestic and international context is now essential for any educator seeking to retain Chinese students. Due to continuous quarantine measures nationwide, digital presence, online recruitment, and study provision through partnerships with trustworthy local agencies are becoming significantly important.

In our recent webinar, we discussed the latest trends in the Chinese education market, including policy impact and interpretation. The session covered some of the most hotly debated topics, such as first-hand soft intelligence on Chinese agencies, trends in student mobility shifts, as well as new program opportunities and recruitment channels.

Presentation (20 mins)

BONARD’s long-term China market experts Grace Zhu (China Branch Manager) and Su Su (Senior Project Manager) opened the session by presenting the latest market data and insights, with practical in-field recommendations and tips on the current student recruitment in China.

Panel (40 mins)

The following panel discussion was joined by the leading industry experts:

  • William Fish, President, Washington International Education Council

  • Jennifer Phillips, Chair, Study Wisconsin

  • Lee Henshaw, Head – North East Asia Engagement, Scape

Webinar recording


Presentation request

Our long-term China market experts presented the latest market data and insights, with practical in-field recommendations and tips on the current student recruitment in China.