China Agent Market 2021 Annual Update: Top 10 New Tier 1 Cities to Develop

In its 3rd annual China agent market report (since 2019), BONARD has cherry-picked the top 10 New Tier 1 cities in China for an in-depth focus.

May 25, 2021

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China is the No. 1 source country for international students, with agencies being the predominant route for applications (over 50%). With over 5,000 educational agencies, agents and other related businesses estimated across China and a broad network of multimillion-population cities and provinces, it can be challenging for educators to pick out the most appropriate ones.

In its 3rd annual China agent market report (since 2019), BONARD has cherry-picked the top 10 New Tier 1 cities in China for an in-depth focus.

The company’s long-term student recruitment specialists Igor Skibickij (COO) and Grace Zhu (Head of China Office) shared the latest data, trends & developments in a selected number of New Tier 1 cities destined to become new study-abroad hub spots.

In addition to macro-level data on the agent market as a whole, the new city-driven format provided an in-depth perspective on agent clusters per city, destination and programme type segmentation, enhanced by intelligence on schools and universities as mature stakeholders for direct institutional partnerships.

This virtual session elaborated on:

Macro-level intel (economic, social and human capital development, education investment) Micro-level agent data (number and size of agents, market share, maturity, destination focus) City benchmark comparison Market news & updates

If your institution recruits Chinese students, whether through agency partners or direct channels, this webinar is a must-see to help you hone your 2021 China recruitment strategy.

Webinar recording

Webinar speakers

Igor Skibickij



Grace Zhu

Head of China Office



Request the presentation via this form

In its 3rd annual China agent market report (since 2019), BONARD has cherry-picked the top 10 New Tier 1 cities in China for an in-depth focus.