China Agent Market 2021: Qingdao City

Following previous updates on Hangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang, and Nanjing, this report focuses on Qingdao – an important central city, coastal resort, and tourist destination.

June 15, 2021

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Study abroad agencies have played an important role in China’s international education market. In order to gain proper market insight, it is vital to look closely at the agent market and assess current operations. After several years of updating the macro data for the Chinese agent market, this year BONARD has conducted research and updated data on a micro level for key cities to map the Chinese intermediary market more precisely.

Following previous updates on Hangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang, and Nanjing, this report focuses on Qingdao – an important central city, coastal resort, and tourist destination. In this survey, we investigated more than 3,500 agencies in Qingdao, of whom over 500 were contacted as a sample.

Although only 51 agencies are still operating in Qingdao, the telephone connection rate is as high as 63%, exceeding that of the four cities we have scoped to date – Nanjing (55%), Shenyang (49%), Chengdu (51%), and Hangzhou (40%). Hence, it is estimated that many agencies in Qingdao will return to the study abroad market after the pandemic is over. At the same time, our research showed that the UK is a more popular study destination than the USA in Qingdao. This might be due to the current conditions of study in Australia and the USA and it shows how flexible and adaptable Qingdao’s agencies are.

The Qingdao Agent Market Report includes:

General information

  • Economic situation

  • Demographics

  • Top partner institutions

  • Logistics

  • Recruitment area

Agent market

  • How many agent businesses have survived Covid?

  • What are the top study abroad destinations & programs?

  • What makes Qingdao a competitive city in the study abroad market?

Agency profiles

  • Major study destinations

  • Number of students sent in 2020

  • Study program popularity

  • Agency profiles


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Following previous updates on Hangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang, and Nanjing, this report focuses on Qingdao – an important central city, coastal resort, and tourist destination.