CICan 2022 Conference: International Student

Mobility to Canada

Igor Skibickij, BONARD's COO, presented the Canadian international education market outlook as well as emerged recruitment trends in pandemic at CICan's 2022 Connection Conference.

April 29, 2022

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In the scope of the CICan 2022 Connection Conference, an insightful International Connection Activity # 2 about international marketing and recruitment took place. Igor Skibickij, our COO, presented market outlook and initiatives as well as participated in a panel, along with other leading experts in the market.

Igor covered the latest updates on international student mobility flows to Canada, the selection of key source markets and an overview of effective initiatives developed and deployed during the pandemic in response to changed market circumstances in his presentation.

Key outcomes:

  • The sector is recovering well, with a strong rebound due to a mix of internal (reforms & policies) and external (performance of other key destinations and shifts in source markets and student preferences) factors.

  • Need to diversify in top growing source markets such as the Philippines, Mexico and Colombia, where the price-sensitive middle class is maturing and in need of quality yet affordable study provision, work opportunities and long-term migration prospects as highly skilled labour.

  • Employing a balanced mix of B2B and B2C in-person and virtual recruitment channels along with digitalization is a must to remain competitive, including vertical integration between K-12, ELT and post-secondary providers, to benefit from joint initiatives and economies of scale.

Event speaker

Igor Skibickij




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