End of the year special:

Key industry presentations

from 2022

We would like to take this opportunity to share with you a selection of the most important presentations and reports published by the BONARD Education research team during the course of 2022.

December 22, 2022

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Thank you for all your interactions with BONARD Education this year.

With over 80 projects delivered in 2022, it has been our pleasure to provide market intelligence and research, advise on our clients’ student recruitment strategies and deliver bespoke events and digital marketing campaigns within the international education sector.

This year, our team attended over 50 conferences, including those organised by AIEC, CAPS-I, CICan, EAIE, English Australia, English UK, English USA, Languages Canada and NAFSA.

We are also grateful to all our clients and those who have attended our in-person and online events. We would therefore like to take this opportunity to share with you a selection of the most important presentations and reports published by the BONARD Education research team during the course of 2022.

Presentations and reports included in this package:

  1. How to Succeed in China in 2023

  2. Reconnecting with Australia: Engagement Strategies Post-border Reopening

  3. State of the Sector: Recent Trends and Canada’s Current Market Position

  4. China Agent Market 2022 Update

  5. K-12 Digital Marketing: Recent Trends & Best Practices

  6. Canadian K-12 Sector: Global Post-Covid Perspective

  7. Recruitment Trends Worldwide

  8. China’s Top 10 Tier 1 City Report Series (2022 releases)


Package request form

We hope that you will find the data provided informative and that it will help you set out your strategies and decisions for 2023.

Fill out the request form and download the package within just a few short moments.