English Australia:


Brett Blacker, CEO at English Australia, and Patrik Pavlacic, Head of Research at BONARD, presented the latest ELICOS report in a joint session. The presentation covered the status quo for 2017 as well as future forecasts.

September 20, 2018

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In most countries there is no control over ESL teaching. In Australia the government regulates the English teaching industry to make sure that all international students receive a high quality of instruction. Brett Blacker, CEO at English Australia, and Patrik Pavlacic, Head of Research at BONARD, presented the latest ELICOS report in a joint session. The presentation covered the status quo for 2017 as well as future forecasts.

BONARD reported about both the Australia’s global market share per student weeks and ELT supply around the globe. As for the source markets, there has been a tight run between China and Saudi Arabia. Looking more closely at the ELICOS sector, the analysis showed how individual continents/regions performed as source countries. Visas has been recorded as another key factor, which is why Patrik and Brett devoted them a few more slides in their presentation.

What were the developments in each Australian state? What is happening with Independent ELICOS grant rates? What are the outlooks?

Patrik and Brett have delivered a very detailed report with precise numbers answering all these questions.


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