ICEF Berlin 2018 Conference

Maria Cervenanova, our Senior Research Manager, presented the IALC Student Experience Retrospective Analysis at the ICEF Berlin 2018 conference, which aimed for understanding the student base and gauge satisfaction levels throughout the IALC schools.

November 4, 2018

Request presentation

Maria Cervenanova, Senior Research Manager at StudentMarketing, presented the IALC Student Experience Retrospective Analysis at the ICEF Berlin 2018 conference, which aimed for understanding the student base and gauge satisfaction levels throughout the IALC schools.

Data gathered from 136 schools worldwide revealed the motivation and reasons why students decide to study languages abroad, including their age and country of origin. In terms of marketing it is useful to know where the customers prefer to seek for the information, which was also covered in the report. Level of satisfaction is very high and almost every past student would recommend the same school and the same destination to their peers.

However, some shifts can be observed in the market where purpose of study is changing and has an impact on customer segmentation and booking patterns have evolved considerably.

On this occasion, Maria also presented the trends and figures for the UK ELT.


Presentation request

Maria's presentation at the ICEF Berlin 2018 conference covered the IALC Student Experience Retrospective Analysis, which aimed for understanding the student base and gauge satisfaction levels throughout the IALC schools.