ICEF Berlin 2022:

UK ELT – The State of the Market

and Where it is Headed

During his presentation, Patrik Pavlacic, BONARD’s Chief Intelligence Officer, provided a deep dive into the UK’s English language teaching landscape and participated in the panel discussion that followed.

October 30, 2022

Learn more

Our Chief Intelligence Officer, Patrik Pavlacic, was a speaker at ICEF Berlin 2022 – an event that brought together thousands of colleagues, peers, partners and friends from across the global education industry.

Patrik first provided a deep dive into the UK’s English language teaching landscape. Using intelligence from English UK’s optional QUIC scheme, he shared a fact-based analysis of the recovery process in the UK and used this to predict the future outlook.

This was contextualised by a high-level, state-of-the-industry view of the global market. He analysed the UK’s position compared with trends seen across the seven other leading ELT destinations (the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa and Malta).

Following the presentation, Annie Wright, Marketing Communications Director at English UK, chaired a panel of industry professionals, comprising Patrik Pavlacic (BONARD), Shoko Doherty (Celtic English Academy and English UK), Mark Lindsay (St Giles International) and Lisa James (EC English Language Centres). The experts discussed their take on the data and on future prospects for the UK market and recovery through 2023.

Event speaker

Patrik Pavlacic

Chief Intelligence Officer



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