Language Education in Canada: Performance of the ELT and FLT market in 2022

Sarah Verkinova, Senior Research Manager at BONARD Education, presented the key findings from the Annual Report on Language Education in Canada at the Languages Canada Annual Report Webinar.

July 12, 2023

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Languages Canada organized a webinar during which Sarah Verkinova, BONARD’s Senior Research Manager, presented the key findings from the Annual Report on Language Education in Canada. The webinar provided valuable insights into the performance of the ELT and FLT markets in 2022, including comparisons with the global ELT market.

BONARD Education was delighted to deliver another insightful report, offering participating organizations and institutions a comprehensive understanding of market performance. This enabled our partners to develop well-informed strategies and make data-driven decisions shaping the future of their organizations and sectors.

The research highlighted that Canada's language training sector experienced a remarkable rebound in 2022. It reveals a 70% growth in international student numbers and a 52% increase in student weeks at Canada's language training centers. However, visa delays pose challenges for international students seeking language education in Canada.

The report also emphasizes the need to address visa processing delays to enhance Canada's appeal as a destination for English and French language education.

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