Student Housing Conference FLLT (Forum for Leaders in Language Travel): UK, Europe and Global Markets

This November The Forum for Leaders in Language Travel hosted a virtual conference for language schools and agents. 

November 20, 2020

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This November The Forum for Leaders in Language Travel hosted a virtual conference for language schools and agents. The FLLT is a group of leading schools that include large groups as well as independent organizations. Members of the industry who have come together to ensure that Language Travel responds to prescient issues as a community. The challenges presented by Covid-19 also represent an opportunity, and the FLLT was formed to ensure we recognize and respond to those opportunities.

We are pleased that our CEO Samuel Vetrak was one of the speakers and shared his views on the current situation as well as the future outlook for intled alongside other industry experts at the session moderated by The PIE News.

Knowledge share consisted of recent:

  • Regional Information Updates: Schools and Associations share Covid policy, government guidance, and safety briefings

  • School Presentations and Virtual Tours: A new look into locations and programs

  • Knowledge Share: Industry topics and how to cope and prosper under current conditions

  • Book One-to-One Meetings: Meet more schools across multiple time zones

  • Networking: Meet language professionals virtually

Event speaker

Samuel Vetrak




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