The new destination and program preferences trending in the Brazilian market

Leading stakeholders in the Brazilian international education sector joined BONARD for an unmissable webinar for educators recruiting from Brazil.

May 2024

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The new destination and program preferences trending in the Brazilian market

Leading stakeholders in the Brazilian international education sector joined BONARD for an unmissable webinar for educators recruiting from Brazil.


  • Ireland has emerged as the top destination for English language students, and Malta is gaining popularity as well.

  • General English is not enough anymore: students are looking for programs offering additional components or academic content.

  • The junior market is growing, and students are having their first international education experience at an increasingly younger age.

  • Demand for Canada and Australia is steady, but agents and the market will need time to adjust to visa changes.

  • Demand from the country is expected to keep growing steadily over the next five years.


Brazil is one of the most important countries on the international education map, consistently ranking among the top 10 source countries for most study destinations.

Delving into data-driven insights and featuring an expert panel discussion, the latest BONARD Source Market Webinar provided attendees with tools and knowledge to boost their student recruitment strategy in the Brazilian market.

During the webinar, Dr. Ivana Bartosik, BONARD’s International Education Director, presented the latest statistics about international student mobility from Brazil.

After the presentation, she led a panel discussion joined by Alexandre Argenta, President of BELTA & CEO and Founder of TravelMate Intercâmbio in Brazil, Maura Leão, CEO at Yet Education & Travel - Yázigi Travel Intercâmbios, and André Simonetti, Product Manager at CI - Central de Intercâmbio Viagens.

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Here are the main insights:

New horizons

Presenting the latest statistics, Dr. Bartosik explained that Ireland overtook Canada in 2022 as the top destination for English language students from Brazil, and the trend is expected to be confirmed by 2023 statistics. Canada remained the top destination for K-12 and higher education students, followed by the US and the UK.

Malta, on the other hand, has started to attract more students in the past couple of years, she explained.

Younger and younger

Beyond the new destinations gaining popularity in Brazil, Dr. Bartosik pointed to other general trends. The first is the rising numbers of higher education and junior students abroad.

Simonetti commented that students are starting to travel at an increasingly younger age. While it was more common to travel at 14-16 years old, agents now cater to groups of 10-year-old children as well.

“They start with a junior programme, then they come back to do a high school programme, then they continue on to higher education. So it’s a real trend. In the past, it was not common,” he said. He also added that high school students now tend to stay longer abroad.

Andre Simonetti

Not just party animals

Another trend is a shift towards more academically-oriented programs or English language courses offering an added component.

Leão added that beyond the traditional demand for English language courses, there is a growing group of students in Brazil who attend international or bilingual schools, and who require courses that are not just focused on the language.

“These students prefer a programme with specific content, like digital development or leadership, volunteering, or other components. I think this is a growing demand for these programs to prepare them for high school or higher education.”

Her advice to educators is to ensure they offer a variety of courses with academic or professional components. “We have this reputation of being party animals in Brazil, but because studying abroad is such a big investment, we want to get the most out of it,” she explained.

Maura Leao

A new visa tracker

Introducing a new feature in BONARD’s Intelligence Platform, the Monthly Visa Update, Dr. Bartosik explained that while study permit issuances are stable in Canada, the US seems to be losing market share in Brazil. In Australia, on the other hand, the number of ELICOS visas issued in Q1 2024 was 39% lower than in the same period in 2023.

“This is an opportunity for other destinations,” Dr. Bartosik commented.

The recent visa regulation changes introduced in Australia and Canada may have some effects on student mobility, but they are unlikely to dampen demand for these countries, Argenta explained.

“It might take a while for people to adjust to these changes, and agents will need to undergo training from visa specialists, but Brazilians are not going to stop travelling to these destinations,” he said.

Alexandre Argenta

One key element for Brazilian students, he explained, is the availability of work rights. For this reason, New Zealand and Malta are seeing increased interest, especially from adult students.

Overall, the outlook is very positive. Argenta explained: “We have a large young population in Brazil, so K-12 programmes and HE programmes are going to grow together. In the next five years, I see stability and slight growth in numbers.”

Career outcomes are a priority

Asked what Brazilian students look for in an international education experience, Argenta had no doubts: employability is the priority.

“From our surveys, and in my professional experience, it’s clear that parents send their children abroad so they can become better professionals in the future,” he explained.

This holds true for adults, he added. With high unemployment in Brazil, the job market is very competitive. An international education experience, and foreign language skills - not only English, but also Spanish, Italian, German, and others - can make all the difference, he explained.

How to successfully recruit students from Brazil

Simonetti explained that Brazilian students can be a little demanding sometimes, but the key is all down to collaboration between education providers overseas and agents in Brazil.

Brazilian students value course quality, and this is an important factor to invest in, especially for junior courses. Leão explained: “Educators need to ensure they have well-trained staff, especially for summer programs. And the better the experience students have in their summer program, the more they will want to go back to that country for high school or higher education.”

Maura Leao

Overseas educators also need to take into account that Brazilian students usually travel in groups, so it is crucial to work with agents to facilitate this.

Interested in learning more?

The webinar covered a range of topics, providing an in-depth analysis of trends in all sectors, from K-12 to higher education. This is just a taste!

For more information, click here to download the webinar video and slides, or get in touch with a BONARD specialist at

Watch the webinar

Interested in learning more?

The webinar covered a range of topics, providing an in-depth analysis of trends in all sectors, from K-12 to higher education. This is just a taste!

For more information, click here to download the webinar video and slides, or get in touch with a BONARD specialist at


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